Following upon a parliamentary motion submitted by Kees Vendrik (GroenLinks) a majority of the Lower Chamber compelled cabinet to take more action in making funds available for climate-combating policies in developing countries. These are the countries hit hardest by climate change, yet they have contributed least to its causes. Polluters must pay and that includes the European Union.

Negotiations within Europe on this issue are not making enough headway. We are now pressed for time. A generous financial commitment from industrialised to developing countries is sorely needed if the ambitious goals of the Climate Conference in Copenhagen later this year are to reach a successful accord.

At the beginning of next week, finance ministers from the 27 EU member-states shall meet to discuss the financing of these plans. A broad majority of the Lower Chamber comprising GroenLinks, PvdA, SP, D66, PvdD and ChristenUnie representatives want to see the Netherlands adopt a more active role and urge her European partners to successfully conclude a financial resolution. And, in so doing, to embrace a new approach to financing our common future.

Kees Vendrik
Member of Parliament in the Second Chamber