GroenLinks, the Dutch Green delegation in the European Parliament, is represented by three Members of Parliament (MEPs)

  • Bas Eickhout
  • Tineke Strik
  • Kim van Sparrentak

European collaboration

GroenLinks is a member of the European Green Party (EGP). The MEPs of EGP-member parties are part of the parliamentary group of the European Greens and the European Free Alliance (EFA) in the European Parliament.

Bas Eickhout

Bas Eickhout (1976, Groesbeek) studied Chemistry and Environmental Science at the Radboud University in Nijmegen and lives in Utrecht. Since 2000, he worked as a researcher at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving). He worked on several projects which had to do with international environmental problems, such as climate change, agriculture, land-use and biofuels. He co-authored the IPCC report on climate change which received the 2007 Nobel Peace Price.

Bas Eickhout is a member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety and a substitute member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Committee on Budgetary Control  He is also a member of the Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China and a substitute member of the Delegation for relations with the United States. Eickhout is delegation leader of the Dutch Greens in the Parliament.


Tineke Strik

Since years, Tineke Strik (1961, Alphen) has been fighting to protect the human rights of refugees, minorities and the rule of law in, and around the European Union. After obtaining a PhD in European Migration and Asylum policies, Strik started to work as a professor in Migration Law at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. Besides, Strik became a member of the Dutch senate and the Parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe. In 2019, Strik became a Member of European Parliament for GroenLinks.

Tineke Strik is a member of Committee of Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, and a substitute of the Committee of Foreign Affairs, and the Subcommittee on Human Rights. Besides, Strik is a member of the Delegation to the EU-North Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Committee and a substitute of the Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly.


Kim van Sparrentak

Kim van Sparrentak (1989, Vlissingen) has been a climate activist for most of her adult life. She studied Politics and Urban Environmental Management in Amsterdam and Wageningen. While studying, Van Sparrentak was co-chair of DWARS in Amsterdam and a member of the Climate and Energy work group of the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG). For the latter, Van Sparrentak was co-chair and represented more than 10.000 European youngsters in their fight against climate change. Before Van Sparrentak was elected as Member of the European Parliament for GroenLinks, she campaigned against nuclear power plants for NGO WISE.

Kim van Sparrentak is a member of the Committee of Internal Market and Consumer Protection and a substitute of the Committee of Employment and Social Affairs. Furthermore, Van Sparrentak is a member of the Delegation for relations with Belarus and a substitute of the Delegation of relations with Australia and New Zealand.


Press officer

Tineke Strik, Kim van Sparrentak and Bas Eickhout are supported by press officer Lowie Kok: +31 6 270 150