GroenLinks ChristenUnie comparison

Both GroenLinks and the ChristenUnie want to make the Netherlands more fair and more sustainable. We differ in ideology and how to achieve this, as well as to what extent. We often work together on social issues like raising salaries in the public sector, humanizing immigration policies or reducing poverty. 

Factory farming and animal welfare

ChristenUnie and GroenLinks both strife for a greener earth together, however GroenLinks is more ambitious. GroenLinks wants to end factory-farming, because that would be better for the fight against climate change as well as for animal welfare. ChristenUnie doesn’t take any steps to lessen the amount of livestock in The Netherlands, or to improve animal welfare, and therefore often chooses the side of factory farmers.


GroenLinks and ChristenUnie also differ a lot in terms of liberalism. ChristenUnie holds very different beliefs on topics such as abortion and euthanasia, due to their Christian morals. They’ve always been against the way abortion works in The Netherlands. GroenLinks wants to make the abortion pill available at the GP office. We also differ in opinion about legalizing drugs. GroenLinks wants to legalize softdrugs, xtc and psychedelic mushrooms, in order to minimize crime and health issues. ChristenUnie wants a society free of drugs.